C&S Self Defense Association celebrates 10th year!
C&S Self Defense Association celebrates 10th year! What a milestone to achieve. I am very proud of all of our members, and of the accomplishments you have made during this period. Martial arts associations don't exist for 10 years without friendship and trust among the members. And they don't exist for long if they do not provide a viable and safe environment for the growth of the students - who are the real association.
None of us in leadership positions has ever felt for one second that the association is anything other than for you the students. It is for you, those before you, and those to come in future generations who the association exists for. And those of you who read this are the future leadership who will have responsibility to guide the next generation of students to success.
It has been a fulfilling experience for me to see so many people benefit from my teaching. Yes, many of us have had disagreements through the years. But that is good. The last thing our association needs is "yes" people, or Peter Rose clones, or students who spend their energies trying to "brown-nose" their way through the ranks. We have none of this. We don't need it because we are all too busy doing our work and growing in the warrior spirit.
It is no secret that I am tough. But I am fair. I expect a lot. I demand it. I want everyone who wants to, to succeed in achieving their goals in the martial arts. I have identified what these goals can (and should) be. They are not for everyone. Not everyone wants to be a success in these areas. Not everyone can. Everyone deserves the right to try, but if you do not do your work - even if that means after 10 or 20 years of training - then you are asked to leave. But that's just life. To paraphrase a famous quote: many are called, but few are chosen. In our case, we don't choose you. Rather, you do the work we give to you, and through your success and willingness to share your good fortune with others you continue and flourish.
I really hope you enjoy your training with us. But I caution you that what we are teaching you is deadly serious. And we are deadly serious about it. What we teach you could save your life. And saving your life may not have anything to do with physically defending yourself in a street combat situation. It may consist of you simply standing up for yourself in a job interview or review and as a result getting that job or promotion. It could mean that, through your "right thinking; right living", you show strength to someone seeking strength. You may not directly do anything for that person other than to be happy, healthy, terrific, and calm. But that may be all they need to spark them to positive action.
As I have said many times, the responsibility that I give to each of my black belts is to strive through the years to be an example of strength to others such that at least two people directly benefit by your influence. And then it is your responsibility to give that same responsibility to those individules. In this way, each of us can have a dramatc and positive affect on the society around us. It is a true "Circle of Life".
If you believe this, and I know that you do through your continued participation in our program, then take this responsibility upon yourself even if you are not a black belt. Do it because it is the right thing to do. Thank you again for your hard work and dedication to the art as I teach it. Please, as in the movie: "pass it on".
In our art,
Grandmaster Peter M. Rose