C&S Online
An Online Newsletter For The
C&S Self Defense Association
Fall 2001
Confidence. Fitness. Success.
What's been happening...
Boulder School of Self Defense
Boulder, CO by Gokyu Glen Pankow
Many great things have been happening at BSSD, foremost among them the
promotion of Joanne Edwards to shodan-ho. She is the first of Sensei
Dusenbury's students to reach that rank in the Commerce Karate Club,
BSSD's satellite program. She has worked very hard and continues to
be a great inspiration to us all. Congratuations!
Other promotions include Glen Pankow and Daniel Cziczo to green belt;
Ken Allen, David Dater, and Sher Wagoner to orange belt; and John
Nibarger, Deb Miller, and Phillip Chilson to yellow belt.
Many of the women karateka of the Boulder and Fort Collins areas
participated in an exciting retreat in the beautiful hills of Vail.
This was a time for the women to get together to discuss some of the
issues that have faced women through the ages and still face women
today. Despite the overcast weather, everyone had a great time.
Congratulations to Ms. Edwards and the rest!
Special Note From Grandmaster Dusenbery-
I am happy to announce the promotion of Ms. Joanne Edwards to the rank
Shodan-ho. She is my senior student at the Commerce Karate Club. Her
dedication to the principles of our Art should be an inspiration to all
Welcome to the rank of black belt Ms. Edwards. You are now beginning
new journey that embraces insight, creative thinking, and wisdom. You
join a cadre of black belts that believe deeply in the process that you
beginning to understand. Make us proud of what you will become.
Master Dusenbery
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Chung Fu-do
Fort Collins, CO by Ikkyu Chuck Fussman
It has been an eventful six months at Chung Fu-do. We lost our space
BioGenics due to a change in ownership of the building, but have
since found an even larger place above the Rio Grande, a local
restaurant in Old Town, Fort Collins!
Our student population has fluctuated. We had to say goodbye to a few
students. Gokyu Sarah Fintelmann decided to pursue motherhood as
opposed to Karate-do. We wish her the best in that Art! Yankyu
Jordana Briggs was accepted to Whittier College in California.
Congratulations, Jordana! You will do well, out west!
Additionally, Ikkyu Tom Briggs was accepted into the Navy and is
currently learning his new way of life at the Navy Recruit Training
Command in Great Lakes, Illinois. We have learned by letters and by
phone that Briggs is succeeding where many recruits are fleeing. We
expected nothing less and look forward to seeing him again on leave.
Especially during these troubled times, our hats are off and our
hearts are out to you, Ikkyu Briggs!
Though a few students have left, many have remained and more have
joined, and they have been busy! Congratulations to Sankyu Ayumi
Deeny as she has recently entered the Advanced Ranks. She met her
challenge and remained standing at the end.
Meanwhile, Yankyu Dawn Hedges has accepted that same challenge and
has entered the chute. Her courage and dedication shall be put to the
test, and we shall see the outcome on November 10, 2001.
Rank progression aside, our dojo has pursued many "extra-curricular"
activities as well. This year has seen our First Annual Women's
Retreat, Second Annual Soccer Game, Third Annual Outing to Six Flags,
and numerous Women's Self Defense Courses provided free to the public.
Keep up the good work, everyone! There is much more ahead!
Chuck Fussman - chuck@fussman.com
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Mountain View Martial Arts Academy
Spokane, WA by Sandan Carl Parker
No activity to report.
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Orange School of Karate
Orange, TX by Nidan William Parish
No activity to report.
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Personal Protection Agency
Tyler, TX by IkKyu Michael George
Greetings from the PPA of Tyler, TX. Over the summer, enrollment dropped slightly but we are glad to see as many as 14 to 16 students attending currently. Yondan Bushue continues to work on developing our "Effortless Karate" techniques utilizing body positioning and weight manipulation instead of muscle thus making it easier for students to defend themselves.
We again made our way to Effingham to train with Yondan Larison and his students and to work with Master Landers.
Diego Garcia, Micah McDearmont, and Michael George accompanied Yondan Bushue for our three day trip in early August. We had a great time and would like to express our thanks to all those who visited with us, especially Shodan Ruff and recently promoted Sandan Beccue.
Our own promotions include Diego Garcia to first kyu brown and Brian Fincher to fourth kyu purple. Again we extend a warm welcome to anyone who would like to join us. Our best wishes to all in hope you will grow in our art.
From 03/01 - Here is a picture of a three month old future black belt: Yondan Kerry Bushue with his new son. Congratulations! Need we say more?
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Rose School of Karate
Portsmouth, NH by Grandmaster Peter Rose
We welcomed back Orange Belt Christy Bond after a 3 year lapse while she obtained her associates degree in criminal justice; this on top of her previous associates in accounting! We are very proud of her efforts and perseverance to better herself. We also welcome to our group new students Tara Hadley and Andy Benjamin. Good luck, guys!
Congratulations to both Rick Downs and Scott Williams for achieving their 2nd Degree Brown Belt NiKyu promotion. In fact, that's been so long ago now that they are both making noises about 1st Brown! Recognition also goes out to 1st Degree Brown Belt Jim Mason for making some incredible progress despite having to drive an hour to class and going through some very challenging personal issues. Keep up the good work, Jim, and we'll be seeing a Black Belt around that waist before long! Jim has been a student of mine in one way or another since 1984.
Nidan James Nancarrow has had a lot of change in his life as well. His mother passed away recently and he took another position within his company and changed work locations from Rochester, NH to Portsmouth, NH. And then back to managing the Rochester location again. But despite all of this, we see his smiling face (or back fist in your face depending on your position!) as often as he can make it in. He has been a great help in subbing in for me when I have been on vacation and in taking a deep personal interest in our students. He is an excellent teacher and mentor. And if he hasn't already done so by this issues publication, he will soon be holding another Advanced Retreat for our Brown Belt level students.
I had an opportunity to share several Guinness and nice meal with Nidan Russ Jones at Biddy Mulligans Irish Pub on their outside deck overlooking the Cochecco River running through the center of downtown Dover, NH. Nidan Jones runs the Sachem School of Self Defense in Laconia, NH and tries to make it down for review and discussion several times a year.
Many of our "older" students will remember Purple Belt Ron Wilson who studied with us for quite awhile back in the late 1970s to early 1980s. I received a letter from him asking if he could stop by when he was on the East Coast vacationing with his family from LA. Ikkyu Jim Mason had driven up from Chelmsford, MA for class, and, having come up with Ron thorough several ranks, was invited to come out to Applebee's with us for a few beers, some food, and tall tales and outright lies! We had an enjoyable visit, and Ron presented me with a beautiful plaque. I was quite moved by the engraved inscription which he had written:
In gratitude to
Master Peter Rose
Through your Convictions many were allowed
to experience the rewards that a well guided
journey into the martial arts brings.
Your teachings have made us better for
our loved ones, our communities and ourselves.
For all the souls past and present
fortunate enough to find themselves under your
stewardship along the way-
Thank You
Ron has kept active in the martial arts through the years, though several leg, knee, and back injuries have sidelined him for part of the time. Ron has two young children and has worked for Japan Airlines for the last 8 years. He threatens to return next summer for a longer stay. Bring your gi with you, Ron. I know some folks who would love to work out with you again!
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Sachem Self Defense School
Laconia, NH by Nidan Russ Jones
No activity to report.
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Shadow Dragon Karate Guild
Mason, IL by Sadan Dwayne Beccue
Current enrollment: 2 Students Both at Yellow belt Cassi Gochenhouer and Mike Coleman. Both are doing well and almost ready for Their orange belt exam !!!
A recent rank advancement for Sandan Beccue in mid August was a pleasant surprise for Mr. Beccue
Sandan Beccue and Shodan Ruff Still hitting the Filipino hand techniques pretty hard and finding very similar movements to our own basic 12. The research shall continue we will share results at a later date.
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Somersworth School of Self Defense
Somersworth, NH by Sandan Tim House
Tue, 5 Jun 2001
I am pleased to announce the promotion of Larry Holman to Nidan. Mr. Holman exemplifies the fine Character and Discipline we all expect at Nidan. I am very proud of his accomplishments and look forward to continue our journey together as we share our Art to others. I wish to thank all of you for your influence in my life as it has been vital for my continued success and growth in the Art.
Sandan Bruce Vinciguerra
[ Hey Larry! I understand congratulations are in order- or condolences depending on how you look at it! It is a tribute to not only your hard work but also to your sensei's dedication to his art and ultimately to you. You can now both grow in our art together as equals, as students in search of a common goal. Grandmaster Rose ]
In other news-
Throughout the summer months the students have been getting together, at least, once a month to watch movies and spend time with each other. Each of us enjoys each other’s company and the movies we have seen.
One of our Purple belts, Hazim, went back to Malaysia with his family. Hazim’s mother was sent over here, courtesy of their native homeland, to get a degree at the University of New Hampshire. We had a big “going away party” and gave him a book titled, ‘Living the Martial Way.’ Hazim will be missed.
Sensei Vinciguerra held his annual Black Belt retreat in June. Yondan Thompson, Sandan Brian Vinciguerra (coming out of retirement for this retreat), Shodan Holman and myself attended. It was at this retreat that Holman became a Nidan. Congratulations, Nidan!!!
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Storm Dragon Dojos/Landers
Effingham, IL by Master David Landers
Greetings to all from the Storm Dragon Schools. A long, hot, humid, Summer draws to a close and Autumn is just around the corner. It has been a busy year for us so far, with several gratifying promotions to students who have been working faithfully with us for several years. It always renews my faith in human nature and human perseverance, to see that people are still willing, in this age of instant gratification, to work, sweat, and bleed for years to receive a narrow cloth belt. How counter to our national perception of ourselves is this willingness to strive so hard for something that will not make us money, will not lead to a lucrative job opportunity, and is not even deductible on our tax forms. It proves again to me that there are still among us, those who value honor, self respect, and a true warrior's spirit, above material possessions and creature comfort. Nothing worthwhile is easy. And what we have no one on earth, no matter how rich, can buy except by the sweat of their brow, just as we have.
We at the Storm Dragons wish you all a great Fall and hope that you take time to enjoy this beautiful time of year.
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Storm Dragon Dojos/Larison
Montrose, IL by Yondan Joseph Larison
The Storm Dragon Dojos would like to recognize the promotion of Dwayne Beccue to the rank of Sandan. Mr. Beccue transferred to my class from Nidan Boggs, in the spring of 1991 as a purple belt. Over the years he has grown tremendously in his personal life and displays all the discipline, character, sincerity, effort, etiquette and self-control that is expected of him. He along with Shodan Ruff shares the art with their own students. Mr. Beccue is a model student, and true Martial Artist.
It's been a short summer, but we have all worked hard here at the
Dragon Dojos. Master Landers has been kind enough to do several clinics for us on meditation, forms, and advanced fighting techniques.
Yondan Bushue and four of his students came up from Texas to visit. It proved to be a most excellent weekend workout. Everyone had something to share in the art. And at the height of the weekend I was proud to promote Mr. Dwayne Beccue to the respected rank of Sandan.
The next weekend we had our annual campout. We had to deal with a
Little rain, but still managed to do some fishing, swimming, and sitting around the campfire. Master Landers attended our Sunday morning class at campsite. Advanced fighting techniques was the main course of study.
Promotion Update:
Curtis Roley - Yellow - 4-13-01
Thomas Waldhoff - White with 2 yellow tips - 5-01-01
Gabriel Waldhoff - White with 1 yellow tip - 5-01-01
Thomas Mecadon - Pending - 5-06-01
Stanley Huber - Pending - 5-06-01
Thomas Waldhoff - Yellow - 5-29-01
Curtis Roley - Orange - 6-12-01
Gabriel Waldhoff- white with 2 yellow tips - 6-12-01
Adam Poe - Purple - 6-14-01
Thomas Waldhoff- Orange - 7-19-01
Stephen Austin- Purple - 7-19-01
Dwayne Beccue- Sandan - 8-11-01
The Storm Dragon Schools are proud to announce the recent promotion of
Stanley Huber and Thomas Mecadon to the rank of Shodan-ho.
board consisted of Master Landers, Yondan Larison, Nidan Beccue, and
Mr. Huber also has a 1st degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, and a brown
belt in Jujutsu. Wanting more then sport style martial arts could offer. He
joined our school in Nov. of 96.
Mr. Mecadon has been around a long time. He became a student in my
kid's class at the age of
4. He just finished Army & R.O.T.C. boot camp, and is now attending the
University of Illinois. After collage he will return to the Army as an
Congratulations Shodan-ho Huber and Shodan-ho Mecadon! Job well done!
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