Those that slept at the lodge were rousted out of bed early in the morning for training by the pond.
Back Row (l-r): Sandan James Nancarrow, Nidan Rick Downs, Yondan Russ Jones
Front Row (l-r): Nidan Scott Petitjean, Sandan Carl Parker, Sandan Dwayne Beccue, Sandan Tim House, Nidan Scott Williams

Nidan Petitjean on the move...

Grandmaster Rose approving of the accomodations.

Grandmaster Landers and Grandmaster Rose with the welcome sign the Storm Dragon line prepared for us.

The front of The Lodges.

Grandmaster Rose working through some striking techniques with his cane "Janis" which was presented to him by his local disciples at his 57th birthday celebration.

Master Kerry Bushue and Sandan Carl Parker.

Master Joseph Larison during one of the forms clinics that were held.

Nidan Scott Williams and Nidan Rick Downs ready the grill for steaks and chicken!

Grandmaster Rose relaxing before dinner with a glass of Merlot after finishing up one of the inside seminars.

Grandmaster Landers explaining how his breakfast preparation would amaze us all. It did, but then so did Sandan Jim Nancarrow's!

Grandmaster Rose with the hand crafted walking cane he was presented with.

Master Kerry Bushue with his cane.

Grandmaster David Landers with his cane.

Master Joseph Larison with his cane.

Master Larison checking his cane out in action.

The great cake the Storm Dragon line had made up to celebrate the 15th anniversary of C&S Self Defense Association.

Grandmaster Rose after being presented with the cake.

Grandmaster Rose addressing the assembled disciples concerning the history of the association and what his vision is for the future.

Grandmaster Rose showing the promotion certificate to 9th Degree Black Belt awarded to him by the Governing Council of C&S Self Defense Association

The assembled masters and disciples joined together as friends and committed martial artists.

Nidan Scott Williams congratulating Nidan Art Shuler on his appointment by Master Joseph Larison to the title of Sempai.

Relaxing after dinner with some general discussion before heading back into the great room for the first of the late evening seminars.

Sandan Carl Parker shows that he is ready for anything.

Nidan Scott Williams and Sandan James Nancarrow.