C&S Self Defense Association
11-09-2005 Kyu Curriculum Team Meeting

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(l-r)Yondan Russell Jones, Yondan Daniel Wilkewitz, Yondan Timothy Shafer, Master Kerry Bushue, Master Joseph Larison, Master Bruce Vinciguerra, and Yondan Tom Thompson.
C&S Self Defense Association is excited to announce the development of The Kyu Curriculum. The purpose is to codify all core material within the Association. The Committee responsible is Master Bruce Vinciguerra, Master Kerry Bushue, Master Joseph Larison, Yondan Tom Thompson, Yondan Daniel Wilkewitz, Yondan Timothy Shafer and Yondan Russell Jones.

On September 15, 16 and 17 the committee met in Colorado for an intensive 3 day period to discuss in depth the project. The team worked collectively and accomplished an amazing amount of material needed to present this to our Association. The work will produce a document for all program directors to use as a guide.

The weekend provided a great opportunity and succeeded in establishing communications and working friendships across the Association.

The Kyu level committee is also preparing an Association wide Retreat which will take place in September 2006 (more details to come later). The Kyu level Curriculum will be presented at that time.

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Scenery from up on top of a ridge not far from Yondan Wilkewitz house.

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A picture of Yondan Dan Wilkewitz house taken from the valley below the house.

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Scenery from up on top of a ridge not far from Yondan Wilkewitz house.

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Workshop members (from Lt to Rt.) Yondan Jones, Yondan Wilkewitz, Yondan Shafer, Master Bushue, Master Larison, Master Vinciguerra, Yondan Thompson.

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Group picture of Yondan Dan Wilkewitz Club and visiting instructors. Visiting Instructors included (from left to right) Master Joe Larison (Front row 1st) Yondan Tim Shafer (Front row 2nd), Master Kerry Bushue (Middle row 1st), Master Bruce Vinciguerra (Middle row 2nd), Yondan Dan Wilkewitz "club instructor" (Middle row 3rd), Yondan Jones (Back row 1st), Yondan Thompson (Back row 2nd).

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Some workshop members cautiously looking for rattle snakes as we return from the ridge where we had previously stepped over one. (Front to Back) Yondan Shafer, Yondan Jones and Yondan Thompson.

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A lizard along the trail.

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